It’s hard to believe how fast time is flying, but the Easter Parade 2016 was already a year ago! We posted our Easter Parade Video not long after the parade last year, but despite meaning to show you the lovely photos from the day I never did, so I’m sharing them with you now! We will be at Viva Las Vegas this year which falls on Easter weekend, so there won’t be any Easter Parade pictures from this year, so these will have to suffice for last year and this year! We hope you enjoy these and stay tuned for pictures from Viva Las Vegas in just a few weeks!
I found this dress at the Manhattan Vintage Clothing show a few years ago. The vendor told me it was once owned by a Dupont family member. It is, to date, my most expensive vintage purchase.
One of our spectacularly well dressed friends, Heidi Rosenau.
Another of our spectacularly well dressed friends, Gretchen Fenston, who is also a very talented milliner; she’s made many of the hats you’ll see in this and other posts!
Matthew as very excited to wear his morning suit and top hat!
Just a few of our beautifully dressed friends! I believe Gretchen made all of the hats the ladies are wearing, except mine.
Our incredibly dapper friend Gregory Moore, sporting a perfectly appropriate easter bunny cane! He played a lovely show at the Plaza hotel later that afternoon. (Keep scrolling down for pictures!)
Photo by Jane Kratchovil for Racked.
The gentlemen’s morning suit game was strong! Photo by Jane Kratchovil for Racked.
Bill Cunningham was there taking pictures at the Parade and at Gregory Moore’s gig at the Plaza Hotel afterwards. This is the last time we appeared in a NY Times spread by “Uncle Bill”. He passed away less than three months later.
Dear Uncle Bill with our good friend Roddy Caravella.
We ended our wonderful day at the Polo Bar, one of Matthew’s favorite places, for a lovely late brunch.